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14 Unbelievable Ways Women Could Get Accused Of Witchcraft In 1692

The tale of the Salem witch trials is long and convoluted, and has more to do with superstition, gossip, and human conflicts in the isolated community than it had to do with anything supernatural.

Today, most people blame mass hysteria on the bizarre event. Another theory states that the cause came from a fungus that affected the town’s corn supply, causing hallucinations.

Whatever the cause, things took a pretty strange turn in Salem and, desperate for explanations, all kinds of behavior was used to levy accusations of witchcraft at citizens, most of them women.


Add Some Romance To Your Relationship With This Adorable Advice From Birds

With Valentine’s Day coming up, maybe you’ve been thinking about the state of your relationship — and sometimes, that can feel a little overwhelming.

Do you need to buy expensive gifts? Stage complex surprise parties that involve the coordination of everyone you know? Drop everything for a world tour of exotic, romantic locales?

No. No, you don’t. In relationships — romantic or otherwise — it’s the little everyday gestures that mean the most. And we can see those gestures in the most surprising of places.


10 Incredible Reasons You Need To Turn Out The Lights And Watch A Horror Movie

To get in the mood for this spookiest of times, a lot of people like to curl up, dim the lights, and watch something scary. Some people like quiet suspense, while others like an all-out fright fest. Some like modern day horrors, while others like to see something with a long tradition of scaring people.

No matter what your style of horror is, it seems that people really, really like to be scared.

But have you ever wondered why?


Hilda: The Controversial American Pinup Girl No One’s Ever Heard Of

Looking at the so-called “ideal” female form day in and day out can be a little exhausting for a lot of women.

Whether it’s in magazines, on TV, or on huge billboards over the highway, constantly being told what you’re “supposed” to look like can really do a number on your confidence and self-esteem.